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Showing posts with the label CAA

Kerala - The Only place In India having Communal Harmony

This State is the best among the other 28 states of India.. Why?? Because Kerala doesn't entertain the biggest threat India facing from the last 200 years and thats Communal Violence..!! Am from Kerala and I know how peacefull the state is, here people doesn't see each other on the basis of caste, creed or religion just as a human and humanity is the among all religion and kerala Symbolises Communal Harmony..being a Keralite, we are all proud that when Communal Violence is the political propaganda of ruling party which is RSS led BJP government, Kerala remains the only place where they never came to power and will never come too.. And that's a promise as every each and every keralite doesn't support BJPs communal minds.  And guess what -  they are now projecting kerala  as the state with highest communal violence.. You mean Really????  Illiterate people of other states might trust this kind of utter lies and this shows their lust for p...